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Flow free bridges 9x9 level 30

flow free bridges 9x9 level 30

So its fundamental particles are immortal galatoms.

flow free bridges 9x9 level 30

In cosmology those worldcycles make the fractal Universe immortal in time, as entropic expansive vacuum space is balanced by informative imploding gravitational galaxies, and the cosmologic scale is similar to the atomic scale of imploding strong forces and expanding ¥-forces. Some of its results in different stiences: We thus define a worldcycle of life and death=existence as a journey through 3 scales of spacetime as organisms are born as a Ss-seed in ◊-1 emerging as an ◊° organism part of a larger world where they live 3 STages dominated by each of its 'physiological networks, the youth where its limbs/fields of Longomotion (Ts) dominate, the S=T reproductive age and the St-informative 3rd age, ending in a 'reversal of the time cycle' called Tt-entropic death. IT IS ONLY when we add the whole 'complex' modes of change of reality, its 5 Dimotions of spacetime and its 3 relative ◊±¡ scales with its SxT=◊¡ metric that we can develop a meaningful theory of time, one of the 2 'poles' of reality. But we still prefer the ilogic language of ◊-scalar spacetime as they fit all modes of change in all scales and organisms of the Universe, defining its worldcycles of time (physical, biologic or social). Only then we can define formally the physical laws of change. As well as the transfers of motion and form between scales, which huminds normally define as the 3 'modes' of scalar energy, ◊-¡ (internal energy), ◊º: kinetic energy and ◊+1, potential energy.

Yet to understand a worldcycle of life & Death, of existence, we need to add the 3 modes of time-change dominant in Space., as a zero sum conservative cycle of life and death, we need to add the 2 modes of change dominant in space=form, St-information (EXTERNAL STILLNESS and internal motion) and Ss (no change at all: seeds and languages of information), and its 'balanced state', S<=>T, which reproduces both.

The ilogic of time is more complex in its multiple causality than the time definition of humind physicists (studied in the 1st volume), which analyzes only 2 modes of change dominant in time motion, Ts-longomotion and Tt-Ðenthropy (due to internal and EXTERNAL motion that disorders the exist¡ence in Spacetime of any system).

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We evolve 4D science and his study of Ts-worldlines of longomotion into the full worldcycle of exist¡ence, as we are NOT just physical particles running through cones of life (: Physicists only study 2 motions, locomotion (Ts: EXTERNAL change, internal still space) & Entropy (Tt: EXTERNAL & internal change), they developed 'worldlines'.

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